Woodland Park Zoo seeks help from Issaquah residents

Zoo team launches program to help residents better coexist with wildlife.

Woodland Park Zoo is looking for help – from Issaquah residents.

The zoo team is searching for people interested in helping prevent wildlife conflicts in their neighborhoods, particularly conflicts with carnivores like bears, raccoons and coyotes.

The zoo is starting a program in Issaquah called Coexisting with Carnivores, dedicated to helping neighborhoods more easily coexist with wildlife and keep people, pets and carnivores safe. In order to make it work, they need the help and input from Issaquah residents.

The team plans to meet with community leaders and residents to discuss:

The most important issues that affect the ability of Issaquah communities to coexist with carnivores.

Potential solutions.

Strategies residents may already use to ensure peaceful coexistence with wildlife in their neighborhood.

For more information, please email Dakota Spear at Dakota.Spear@zoo.org.