Growth-addicted city of Issaquah only wants your vote | Letter

Many things have been said in favor of the Issaquah Traffic Bond, Proposition 1, from residents of Providence Point.

Many things have been said in favor of the Issaquah Traffic Bond, Proposition 1, from residents of Providence Point. I wonder if they realize these facts:

1. Since 2002 when annexed, Providence Point has paid more than $500,000 in taxes to the city of Issaquah. You bought two traffic signals already. Informed that with this bond you will be paying twice?

2. The cost of street alignment is much less than $50 million, but voting in favor of this bond you are paying for all the other “amenities” the city wants for areas not even close to your intersection. Informed that with this bond you will be paying for these other three projects, none of which fixes traffic, reduces congestion or adds safety?

3. Your project is not even listed in the bond it’s part of an explanatory statement and is referred to as a “like.” Informed that with this bond there is no guarantee you will ever get your signal and street alignment?

4. The city could have done your project at any time. Informed why they suddenly changed their mind?

5. Did the city tell you that by law they have to appoint a pro and con committee to review their ballot initiative? Let me guess.

Being prevented from hearing all sides when information is critical to making a long-term decision involving your money and your time is a horrible display of abuse condoned by our growth-addicted city that only cares about you because they want your vote and your money. Get the facts at

Bryan Weinstein
