Candidate involvement

I found C.A. Christensen’s recent letter to the editor regarding city council candidate Nathan Perea unfounded.

I found C.A. Christensen’s recent letter to the editor regarding city council candidate Nathan Perea unfounded.

After twisting his words, claiming Nathan said the “council is unavailable and unresponsive,” Christensen goes on to say that Nathan is not involved in our community.

Let’s look at the facts.

Has Christensen attended a meeting of Issaquah’s new Green Energy club? If so, Christensen would know Perea is actively involved.

What about attending Issaquah’s Urban Village Development Commission (UVDC) meetings where one would see Nathan serving as a commissioner?

What about Nathan’s involvement in the Issaquah Chamber of Commerce where he works with several of the current council members to help our business community’s relationship with the council?

Let’s not forget to mention that Nathan is also a neighborhood Voting Member in the Issaquah Highlands where he helps with the community budgets amongst many other issues.

Finally, Nathan is well known in the Highlands for his work bringing people together for community events and large social functions.

I hope future letter writers stick to the facts, not baseless accusations in an attempt to defile someone who is putting their time and energy into the betterment of our community.

Renee Zimmerman
