Elected officials need to listen

The problem with the SE Bypass project, which caused so much emotional involvement from our citizens, was the city government shoving it down our throats.

The problem with the SE Bypass project, which caused so much emotional involvement from our citizens, was the city government shoving it down our throats. They weren’t telling us the truth about who would benefit and who would not. They were selectively doing the environmentally studies so as to avoid evidence that would stop the project. In short, their actions appeared to be for the benefit of interests other than the citizens they are sworn to serve.

Now there is an outcry for an objective, statistically and scientifically valid study of the traffic in Issaquah to determine what must be done to rid ourselves of this unacceptable traffic congestion. I’m sure it follows that after such a study we should just build it — whatever it is and without regard to what it might cost — without any consideration if the citizens want it or not.

This is the approach taken by a CEO of a large company. But wait: Our city government isn’t the same as a large company.

Our elected officials must remember that they are elected to serve the citizens? WE LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY!

Running a government is different in some extremely important ways from running a company. Our electeds need to spend some quality thought time on those differences.

-Hank Thomas
