Hicks will bring attention to Issaquah schools, other issues | Letter

I had the pleasure recently of standing with Essie Hicks and other supporters as she announced her candidacy for Washington state representative

I had the pleasure recently of standing with Essie Hicks and other supporters as she announced her candidacy for Washington state representative 5th Legislative District, a position currently held by Rep. Jay Rodne.

I became acquainted with Ms. Hicks a year ago when she met with myself and some other community members, and I was impressed with what I saw: She listened and she was approachable and responsive.

At the announcement of her candidacy, Essie Hicks talked about some of the issues she’ll fight for and that prompted her to run: the need to fully fund our public schools so our kids get the education they deserve, improving local transportation and addressing climate change within our community. These issues are important to me and my family, and I believe we need a strong leader like Essie to bring them the attention they need.

Essie Hicks chose to hold her announcement at the entrance to Issaquah’s City Hall, between the blue door that was given to Issaquah by its sister city in Morocco as a symbol of friendship between the cities and the eagle statue, the symbol of freedom. What a wonderful message to send to the community — not of ignorance, fear and hate but instead of inclusion, tolerance and respect.

I’ve discovered for myself that Essie Hicks is a great listener who truly wants to speak with as many people as she can in the district so she can know what concerns them the most. I’d like to encourage all of my neighbors in the 5th Legislative District to get to know Essie as I have and to visit her website at www.essiehicks.com. I hope you will join me in helping to elect this compassionate and highly qualified woman.

Kelly Bernado, Issaquah