LETTER: Just the facts, please, on state income tax

A letter to the editor challenging facts about Chicago in regards to the proposed Washington state income tax.

Just the facts

I have recently read more from those who are carrying out the agenda of the ruling class currently in power, namely keep telling the world lies often, loudly and in any medium. “Spinning the truth” until the readers believe the lies to be the truth.

Last week a letter told readers how foolish they were to have voted down the proposed state income tax. The writer made the claim that she moved from Chicago (Illinois has a state income tax) and that “Chicago is one of the strongest for business environments, employment and quality schools.”

Forbes this week announced that Illinois is #2 in the US of states LOSING people. New York is #1. Economist Nathaniel Karp says “Illinois’ tax structure may be pushing people out of the state.”

Ooops, let’s not confuse the readers with the facts. If the writer felt so badly about the lack of another deep pocket for Gov. Gregoire to dip into in order to keep her union friends in the style to which they are accustomed, why doesn’t she send a donation to Olympia.

It seems we will all be best served if we follow what Sgt. Joe Friday of Dragnet fame used to say on each episode when confronted by those who would deny the truth, “just the facts, ma’am, just the facts.”

-Richard D. Block, Redmond