Letters to the Editor, Oct. 4, 2019

Volunteer thank you

Recognizing their efforts

Once a year people travel from far and wide to gather at Sammamish’s Faith Methodist Church. The travelers bring both their donations and smiles to the annual Habitat for Humanity garage sale.

This year, the Sept. 27-28 sale at Faith Methodist Church marked the 20th anniversary which has raised more than $300,000 for Habitat.

What you may not know is how this awesome tradition began. Two members of our community, Bill and Jan Bennett, were the catalyst. Bill and Jan deserve credit for both spearheading the fundraiser and ensuring its continued success.

Equally important are the numerous volunteers who sacrifice both time and talent to make the sale prosperous, and they deserve kudos.

Interestingly, while habitat is the financial beneficiary, across-the-board the volunteers would tell you they feel rewarded reminding us of the ripple effect and ideas stemming from love and compassion can have. Thank you Bill and Jan for sharing with us your loving hearts and inspiration, and thank you volunteers for sharing your compassion and hard work to make this effort a success.

Carma Kemp
