Tolling comment was offensive

The comment by the 520 tolling commission about using tolling to “change driving behavior” by forcing people to choose between tolls on 520 or traffic back-ups on I-90 is totally offensive.

The comment by the 520 tolling commission about using tolling to “change driving behavior” by forcing people to choose between tolls on 520 or traffic back-ups on I-90 is totally offensive.

This shows the committee’s contempt toward the citizens of this state and a bias toward traffic “control” instead of traffic “management.” The difference of the latter being you implement changes that support the resident’s choices instead of forcing them into your grand plan of how things “should” work.

I suggest we place a toll reader at every single person’s driveway in the state. This way, everyone will pay to use the roads. The cheapskates supporting the idea that only those using certain roads should pay can move to a third world country. The real solution is to just up the state portion of the property taxes and let everyone pay for the commons as it is supposed to be.

This attempt at gaming the system to make everyone else pay your share is completely un-American and downright rude.

As well, the survey by the committee is a “push” survey. The answers force you to reply how they want. You have no real choice, so the results will be supportive of what they want either way.

– Michael T. Barr
