artEAST sets annual figure show and sale

Figurative students at artEAST will hold their Second Annual Celebration of the Art of the Figure this weekend.


Figurative students at artEAST will hold their Second Annual Celebration of the Art of the Figure this weekend.

Hundreds of works will be on display in the studio classroom including a selection of drawings and paintings that will be exhibited salon style on the walls. Sketchbooks and portfolios will be set out on tables, and many of the works will be for sale.

This will be an opportunity to add a small drawing or a major work by one of artEAST’s established or emerging figurists to a collection.

Members of the group will be on hand to talk about the artwork and about the practice of working from a live model. Light refreshments will be served.

There will be a special demonstration from 6-9 p.m. June 6 during Issaquah’s First Friday Art Walk. artEAST’s figure group will draw costumed model Jodie Henderson in the artEAST studio classroom during the Art Walk. Selected drawings will be displayed as they are completed, and offered for sale.

The exhibition continues from noon to 7:30 p.m. Saturday and from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday.

artEAST is located at 95 Front St. N., Issaquah.