Guilty Giggle to showcase local comedians

Erez Benari wanted to do something special for the Jewish Community — he wants to make them laugh.

Erez Benari wanted to do something special for the Jewish Community — he wants to make them laugh.

A comedian from Issaquah, Benari has recruited Nick Decktor, Paul Barach, Tyler Schnupp, Rome Davis and Ron Reid, all Jewish, to perform in a one-time show called Guilty Giggle.

Benari, the host of the show, said it is centered on poking fun at themselves and their culture.

“Like how Jewish mothers always want their sons to be doctors or lawyers,” he said. “It’s a common theme.”

Or how their mothers use guilt to control everybody.

“A classic example is the mother sitting home in the dark, saying ‘don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine,'” Benari said.

The Guilty Giggle show will premier at 8 p.m. Sunday, June 29, at Parlor Live in Bellevue, with doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Their website adds “We’re thrilled to present Guilty Giggle – a comedy show about being Jewish in America. Parlor Live is located at 700 Bellevue Way N.E. on the third floor of the Lincoln Square building. Tickets are $15 or $25 for VIP seating. Tickets will be available at the door or in advance at