4 tax measures on the ballot for Issaquah voters | Election Day is Tues. Feb. 9

Voters in Issaquah will be asked to vote yes or no this Feb. 9 on four tax measures in the all-mail, special election concerning public schools and libraries.

Voters in Issaquah will be asked to vote yes or no this Feb. 9 on four tax measures in the all-mail, special election concerning public schools and libraries.

The Issaquah School District has placed three tax levies on the ballot to renew expiring ones. The property tax measures would collect over $200 million to fund school teacher salaries, building maintenance, technology upgrades and buses. No increase in property tax is expected in the event all the school levies pass.

The King County Library System (KCLS) is also asking for a levy increase to bring the proportion of property taxes dedicated to them back to 50 cents for every $1000 in property valuation for 2011 and for ever year thereafter.

This measure would raise the amount of property tax paid by $32 for a homeowner in a home valued at $400,000.

KCLS said the money is needed to continue standard operating hours and maintaining programs, building maintenance, computers, new books and other materials at all 45 of their branches.

According to the voter’s guide, rejection library levy would lead to 10 to 15 percent budget cuts across the organization next year in order to operate within current revenue restrictions, limiting funding for books, computers and building maintenance.

All ballots must be postmarked or placed in ballot drop boxes by Feb. 9.