5th District Democrats to meet candidate, doorbell against initiative

Democrats in the 5th Legislative District have set two events. One, to meet a candidate for the Legislature and another to doorbell against an initiative on the Feb. 11 ballot that would reverse a ban on plastic bags in Issaquah.


Democrats in the 5th Legislative District have set two events. One, to meet a candidate for the Legislature and another to doorbell against an initiative on the Feb. 11 ballot that would reverse a ban on plastic bags in Issaquah.

Democrats will meet Essie Hicks at 7 p.m. Friday at the Starbucks in Issaquah, in the Home Depot parking lot. Hicks is running to unseat Rep. Jay Rodne.

On Feb. 1, democrats will meet at 9 a.m. at the Northwest corner of the Issaquah Target parking lot to defeat the initiative that bans plastic bag-ban initiative.

More information is available by contacting Jim Baum, chair, 5th District Democrats, at chair@5thdems.org or 425-864-0956; or Scott Williams, communications director, 5th District Democrats, at communications@5thdems.org or 425-985-1456.