8th Congressional District candidate to hold 30 town halls in 30 days

8th Congressional District candidate to hold 30 town halls in 30 days

Former King County deputy prosecutor and 8th Congressional District candidate Jason Rittereiser plans to hold 30 town halls in 30 days throughout the district, in what he claims is “direct contrast” to Rep. Dave Reichert’s “shameful record of failing to hold a single town hall with his constituents in over six years,” according to a campaign news release.

Rittereiser’s 30 day town hall schedule begins on Sept. 1 and will continue through the end of September, both as a symbol of the connection the candidate will have to his constituents and the district, and a reminder of how Reichert spent the August recess “hiding and ducking from the people who pay his salary,” the news release continues.

“Since Congressman Reichert won’t meet with his constituents, I will, in every corner of the district,” Rittereiser said. “I was raised in Ellensburg and live in Issaquah, so I look forward to spending 30 days listening to the concerns of the people, rather than the special interests in Washington, D.C. who are the only ones the incumbent meets with anymore.”

Learn more about details of the town halls and where Rittereiser will be for the month of September at JasonRittereiser.com.