Cash for Appliances commits its funds

Cash for Appliances Washington has committed all its funds. The Department of Commerce’s popular program helped over 40,000 consumers transition from out-of-date appliances to highly-efficient ENERGY STAR® models.

Cash for Appliances Washington has committed all its funds. The Department of Commerce’s popular program helped over 40,000 consumers transition from out-of-date appliances to highly-efficient ENERGY STAR® models.

Any applications received at this time will be placed on a waiting list. There’s no guarantee that people will receive a rebate, but in the event any earlier applications don’t qualify, the waiting queue will be processed in the order received. This is expected to continue over approximately the next seven weeks until all funds are paid out.

To date, Cash for Appliances has stimulated upwards of $35 million in retail sales and provided more than $5 million in rebates to Washington residents who have purchased ENERGY STAR® appliances.