Catherine Rose Lewis | Obituary

Catherine Rose Lewis of Sammamish died May 20, 2014. She was 62.


Catherine Rose Lewis of Sammamish died May 20, 2014. She was 62.

She was born on Dec. 24, 1951 to to Herbert & Blanche Avery in McMinnville, Ore. Her marriage to Randal Brown led her to move to the greater Puget Sound where she earned a bachelors degree in nursing. In 2013 she concluded her 38-year career as a labor and delivery nurse at Evergreen Hospital.

She is survived by her husband of 14 years, Christopher Lewis; daughter, Kristin Clark (David); stepdaughter, Kylie Whetstone (Geoff); mother, Blanche Avery; sisters, Patricia Nickerson (Hugh), Mary Beth Garrison, Teresa Avery and brothers, Ronald (Rhea) and Mark Avery (Patricia).

Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, May 30 at Mary, Queen of Peace Catholic Church, 1121 228th Ave. S.E., Sammamish.

Additional information can be found online.