Five seek position on conservation district board

Five candidates are seeking election to the board of the King Conservation District.

Five candidates are seeking election to the board of the King Conservation District. Voting will be from Feb. 15 to 9 p.m. March 15 and take place over a 30-day voting period with all voting on-line. The district will also provide a one-day, in-person voting option at the King CD’s Renton office on March 15 between 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. All votes will be tallied at the conclusion of voting.

Candidates for position 2 include Douglas “Bruce” Elliott, Kent; Teri Herrera, Redmond; Eric K. Nelson, Duvall; Steven F. Neugebauer, Duvall; and Preston Prudente of Sammamish.

Individuals registered to vote in King County are eligible to vote.

On-line voters will be required to complete a two-step process: submitting a signed affidavit to confirm voting eligibility; then voting using a Personal Identification Number (PIN) issued by Election Trust, the Bellevue company providing the on-line voting.

More information on the election and on-line voting procedures beginning Feb. 15, are available here.

King CD board members serve voluntary, three-year terms.