Ice menorah planned for Chanukah

For the first time in the region, a six-foot menorah constructed from ice will be kindled at the annual Chanukah Celebration that will be held at 6 p.m. Dec. 20 in Blakely Hall in the Issaquah Highlands.


For the first time in the region, a six-foot menorah constructed from ice will be kindled at the annual Chanukah Celebration that will be held at 6 p.m. Dec. 20 in Blakely Hall in the Issaquah Highlands.

The celebration will follow a public outdoor Menorah Lighting at Village Green. Mayor Ava Fisinger and other elected officials will have the honors of lighting the nine-foot aluminum outdoor menorah (Chanukah candelabra).

The event will feature traditional Chanukah latkes and doughnuts, children’s crafts and many other activities for the entire family. All those attending will take part in the completion of the construction of the 10-foot candy menorah.

Special at this year event will be a music concert and a Chanukah Poppet-Show featuring “The Sababas,” a duo from Seattle who combine Jewish and popular music in an educational show for children and families.

Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, recalls the victory – more than 2,100 years ago – of a militarily weak, but spiritually strong, Jewish people over the forces of an enemy that had overrun the Holy Land.

The victory of religious freedom was compounded by a second great miracle that took place when only one jug of sacred oil was found still pure and sealed. The Maccabees poured the one-day supply of oil into the great menorah and rekindled the menorah that had been desecrated by the enemy. The small amount of oil did not burn out at the end of the first day, but continued to burn continuously for eight days, until the special process for preparing new oil could be completed.

Chanukah is highlighted by the kindling of the menorah each night of the holiday.

Chanukah also propagates the universal message that good will ultimately prevail over evil, freedom over oppression, and light over darkness.

More information is available at 425-427-1654 or