Issaquah’s Kids ‘n’ Pets Parade | Fourth of July slideshow

Residents walk down Front Street North during the Issaquah Down Home Fourth of July Kids 'n' Pets Parade at 11 a.m. on July 4.

Residents walked down Front Street North during the Issaquah Down Home Fourth of July Kids ‘n’ Pets Parade at 11 a.m. on July 4.

The celebration kicked off an afternoon of fun during Issaquah’s Independence Day festivities, like pony rides and three-legged races in Veterans’ Memorial Field.

Other activities included the Slug Speed Race and Beauty Pageant and a pie-eating contest.

The Issaquah Depot Museum invited the public to take a trip back to the past during the 15th annual Heritage Day celebration, also after the parade.

Later in the evening, the Sammamish Fourth on the Plateau celebration invited the public to the Lower and Upper Commons for bouncy houses, live music and fireworks.


—Photos courtesy of Stanley Yuan