Sammamish Police to target speeding near school on 228th

Concerned by frequent reports that motorists were ignoring speed limits outside Discovery Elementary School on 228th Avenue, Sammamish Police will be conducting random traffic patrols in the area until the end of the school year.

Concerned by frequent reports that motorists were ignoring speed limits outside Discovery Elementary School on 228th Avenue, Sammamish Police will be conducting random traffic patrols in the area until the end of the school year.

Sammamish Chief of Police Nate Elledge told The Reporter this week that his department paid special attention to school areas as part of their regular duties throughout the year.

“But Discovery is kind of unique, in that is has that main drag running right past the school,” he said. “It is hard to get people to slow down to the 20 mile an hour limit.”

Elledge said following a number of complaints from parents and teachers, he met with school principal Tera Coyle and her staff to find a solution to this very dangerous problem.

“We are trying to be proactive,” he said. “We’re going for a preventative approach, rather than just writing out tickets, which we don’t have the manpower for. We are hoping to get people to remember they are near a school, and slow down.

As well as getting drivers to slow down when children are present on 228 Ave. Southeast and Southeast 24 Street, the emphasis patrols will also focus on vehicles that are parked on Audobon Park Dr. just south of SE 24 St. in the posted no parking area, and vehicles that obstruct crosswalks.