Sammamish to get a glimpse of its future

The children of Sammamish are gearing up to present their vision of the future, in a special parade to be held in the city this weekend.

As part of the celebrations marking 10 years since the incorporation of Sammamish, a “Future of Sammamish Kids’ Parade” will make its way down 228th Avenue on Saturday morning, from Mary Queen of Peace Church to City Hall.

This week The Reporter caught up with a group of marchers as they showed off their costumes depicting what they want to be when they grow up.

“The science classes have always been my favorite classes at school,” said Ethan Hatlelid, who, in a lab coat and equipped with a stethoscope, looked just the part of a budding scientist.

The scientific urge must run in the family – Ethan’s sister, Catherine, hopes to be a vet when she grows up, just like her mother.

Eli and Nick Curtright, and Ethan Hines, all have their eyes on a career in pro sports, as a soccer player, a baseball player, and a football player, respectively.

For the time being Ryan Clapper is thinking that Congress might be the place for him, but he is also considering becoming a teacher.

For all these excellent career choices, it is young Ally Hines who perhaps has the most ambitious career plans. At the moment, she has her heart set on becoming a penguin when she grows up. The Reporter wishes Ally and all her friends the best of luck as they pursue their hopes and dreams for the future.

The Kids Parade will begin at 10 a.m. Parents are welcome to walk the route with their child no matter what age, but children under 5-years-of-age must be accompanied by a parent.

Organizers are hoping they can get a few more parents to register their children to take part in the parade, so if you haven’t yet gotten involved in the 10th birthday celebrations, there’s still time.

City of Sammamish’s Joanna Puthoff said that by registering before the event, she could make sure each child gets a goodie bag and has a chance to win one of the grand prizes valued at more than $200.

Ten grand prizes, five for “Best Costume” and five for “Most Unique”, will be awarded.

Registration and parade fees are required prior to the event and can be turned into City Hall 8:30 am – 5 p.m. Monday to Friday.

At City Hall, after the parade, there will be live entertainment, cake and punch, kids’ activities, an art display and food vendors. More info: go to the city’s event page on their web site, at