Sammamish should stop pretending | Letter

Just because something isn't illegal doesn't make it right. I'm referring to the article in the Issaquah/Sammamish Reporter on June 10, "Development, cut trees draw the eye in Sammamish." The city's response is to absolve themselves of this destruction by saying that the application followed the rules.

Just because something isn’t illegal doesn’t make it right. I’m referring to the article in the Issaquah/Sammamish Reporter on June 10, “Development, cut trees draw the eye in Sammamish.” The city’s response is to absolve themselves of this destruction by saying that the application followed the rules.

I find it very frustrating that the city of Sammamish continues to take the stance that they have no role in the rampant overdevelopment that is currently going on around the city. In the past, they have stated that they can’t slow development because “the courts won’t allow it.” Now they are saying that they are helpless because the developers properly filed the application.

In my opinion, the real issue appears to be that the government does not want to stop the pace of development and is not being forthcoming in saying so.

Aside from the loss of the beauty of the greenscape, there are practical matters that are not being addressed. There seems to be no concern for the overcrowding and abysmal traffic that come with all of the new housing. Many of the developments are not yet complete and traffic has already become difficult. Schools are crowded and it is already becoming commonplace to wait in long lines at all of the shops and restaurants in the area.

The city of Sammamish appears to be choosing revenue in the short-term over quality of life in the long-term. The character of the area is changing. The beauty is disappearing. I hope that the city can at least acknowledge their role in the rampant overdevelopment of the area and stop pretending that it is out of the city’s control.

Dora Rajkhowa
