Voters step up in Issaquah for schools

Voters in the Issaquah did the right thing Tuesday by approving three school issues.


Voters in the Issaquah did the right thing Tuesday by approving three school issues. Voters in the Lake Washington School District, which includes Sammamish, almost did as well. Two levies for operations and technology got voter approval. However, a $755 million measure to build and rebuild schools, was failing to meet the necessary 60 percent approval for bonds.

Certainly, the levies are the most critical to pass since that money helps pay the day to day operating expenses of the schools. The bonds, too, are important, given that the Lake Washington district anticipates thousands more students in the near future. Saying “no” to spending the money doesn’t make the problem go away.

In any case, special thanks need to go to the citizen levy committees in both districts that worked hard to get information out to voters. Our schools and communities will be the better for all their work.


– Craig Groshart, Issaquah & Sammamish Reporter