Focus on assault weapons

The shootings at a Colorado movie theater (12 died and 58 were injured), at an Oregon mall (three were killed) and at a Connecticut elementary school (20 children died) all had something in common — assault rifles. Because of their ability to kill many people in a short amount of time, such weapons, and the sales of new ones, should be banned.


The shootings at a Colorado movie theater (12 died and 58 were injured), at an Oregon mall (three were killed) and at a Connecticut elementary school (20 children died) all had something in common — assault rifles. Because of their ability to kill many people in a short amount of time, such weapons, and the sales of new ones, should be banned.

In the Federal Assault Weapon Ban of 1994-2004, many loopholes allowed manufactures to continue making and selling assault weapons that Congress intended to ban. There should be a new, improved assault weapon ban.

It should be stricter and more explicit. It should ban all weapons capable of holding more than 10 rounds and firing rapidly by pressing the trigger multiple times.

The sale, assembly and modifications of new assault weapons should be banned except for the military and law enforcement. People who have assault weapons would be allowed to surrender them to law enforcement and receive a federal tax credit at the fair market value of the weapon. They would be allowed to sell their weapon to another private party, if both parties submit documentation to the federal government, and the buyer passes a background check before taking possession.

The federal government should have the right to enter private property and inspect your assault weapon with 72 hours’ notice. This won’t violate the Second Amendment because citizens are still able to own assault weapons.

I agree with the NRA’s statement that, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people,” but we can’t lock up every mentally ill person. Why do you think these murderers chose assault weapons? It’s because they knew it would kill many people in a short amount of time.

Jared Oh, Sammamish