Forum to discuss minimum wage issue

A breakfast panel on June 12 will discuss how Seattle Mayor Ed Murray’s proposal to increase the city’s minimum wage to $15/hour impacts the rest of King County/ The event, “Toward a Livable Wage: Implications for Business, Community, and Nonprofits,” will be held at the Bellevue Red Lion hotel, 11211 Main St.


A breakfast panel on June 12 will discuss how Seattle Mayor Ed Murray’s proposal to increase the city’s minimum wage to $15/hour impacts the rest of King County/ The event, “Toward a Livable Wage: Implications for Business, Community, and Nonprofits,” will be held at the Bellevue Red Lion hotel, 11211 Main St.

Hosted by the Eastside Human Services Forum, the forum will feature information on the minimum wage debate and perspectives from business and nonprofit leaders.

Sen. Mark Mullet, a Democrat who represents the 5th Legislative District, will be part of the panel presentation. Mullet is the owner of Zeeks Pizza and Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream in Issaquah.

Additional panelists include: John Burbank, Economic Opportunity Institute; Jasmine Donovan, Dick’s Drive-In restaurants; Syvia Fuerstenberg, The Arc of King County; Debra Lerman, San Francisco Human Services Network; and Lori Pfingst, Washington State Budget and Policy Center.

Panel moderator will be James Whitfield, President/Executive Director of Leadership Eastside.

“The minimum wage is both a social and economic topic of special importance to small businesses, nonprofit agencies, workers, policy makers, and everyone dedicated to the common cause,” said Paul Winterstein, Issaquah City Council president and chair of the Eastside Human Services Forum. “With Seattle’s recent actions the eyes of the nation are on the Northwest. We invite and welcome all to the conversation.”

The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Online registration can be done at

More information is available by contacting Debbie Lacy, coordinator, Eastside Human Services Forum at or 425-587-3324.