Resident objects to option for Beaver Lake Park Master Plan

Beaver Lake resident Janis Seils urged the councilors to reject the plan which emerged as the Parks Department’s preferred option following a period of public consultation in 2009.

On Tuesday night the Sammamish City Council had a preview of one of the difficult decisions it will need to make this year — the Beaver Lake Park Master Plan — during the public comment period of their regular meeting.

Beaver Lake resident Janis Seils urged the councilors to reject the plan which emerged as the Parks Department’s preferred option following a period of public consultation in 2009.

“I believe the plan was compromised before it ever came to the public,” Seils said, referring to its inclusion of plans for a sewer connection, which she says is unwarranted and being pushed through to coincide with other projects.

“That has been buried in this plan as a way to share budgets,” Seils said. “Nobody’s been clear as to who is going to pay for what.”

She also raised concerns about the large number of trees being cut down in the preferred plan, 60, and the danger of bringing more people to the park without the necessary roads and sidewalks.

The city council is scheduled to adopt some version of the master plan in spring of this year.

For more information on the plan, go to