Issaquah voters came through for schools | Dr. Steve Rasmussen

A huge, HUGE thank you to the Issaquah School District voters for resoundingly passing the construction and maintenance bond last week! It makes me extremely proud to serve in a community that values education and the future of its children so much—you are unparalleled in this state and nation.

By Dr. Steve Rasmussen

A huge, HUGE thank you to the Issaquah School District voters for resoundingly passing the construction and maintenance bond last week! It makes me extremely proud to serve in a community that values education and the future of its children so much—you are unparalleled in this state and nation.

Because of you, we will be able to meet our critical construction and repair needs for the next eight years, ensuring students are learning in safe, high-quality schools equipped for 21st-century learning.

My commitment is to be the best steward possible for these dollars, completing projects on time and on —or under — budget, protecting our top credit rating, and remaining transparent throughout the construction process (look for a web page soon that will track our progress).

My sincerest appreciation also goes to Volunteers for Issaquah Schools. These volunteer community members — hundreds of them! — dedicated themselves to spreading information about the bond measure so voters could make an informed choice.

For some, it was a full-time job; for others, they gave one or two hours when they could, honking and waving or simply placing a bus magnet on their vehicle. Regardless, each and every one of them made a tremendous difference!

Dr. Steve Rasmussen is superintendent of the, Issaquah School District